Sunday, March 7, 2010

Texas Standerfer obits

Last Rites Set For Ewing J. Standerfer
Levelland (Special)
Funeral services for Ewing Jan Standerfer, 52, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the First Baptist Church here.

Officiating will be the Rev. Billy Smith, North Drive Baptist Church pastor, Lubbock.

Standerfer, a retired oilfield driller, died Sunday at Phillip Dupre Hospital here. He has lived in Levelland for 18 years, moving here from Mt. Ida, Arkansas.

Pallbearers will be Robert Johnson, George Lavell, Eugene Lewis, Port Neesmith, H. Chamberlain and Draper Keen.

Burial will be in City of Levelland Cemetery under the direction of George Price Funeral Home.

from the Sherman Democrat, November 28, 1938
Denison Girl Fatally Hurt
Mother Also Injured as Car Overturns on Trip to Ennis Sunday

DENISON - Miss Naneen Standerfer, 24, was fatally injured in an automobile accident near Ennis Sunday as she was on her way to see Ed McCarver, an uncle, in the Ennis hospital. Her mother, Mrs Claud Standerfer, sustained minor injuries. A blowout of a rear tire caused their car to overturn.

E. L. Tanner accompanied Mr. Standerfer, father of the girl, to Ennis Sunday. Mrs. Standerfer will be brought to Denison sometime Monday when funeral arrangements will be made, with Short and Murray in charge.

Other relatives include the grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Carr McCarver, 92 of Denison. Miss Standerfer was prominent in social and club circles of Denison.

The Junior Delphians have canceled a Monday night meeting because of the death of Miss Standerfer.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the First Christian church, the Rev. Ben F. Hearn officiating. Interment will be at Fairview cemetery.

Surviving relatives include her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Standerfer; her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Carr McCarver of Denison; two uncles, Will McCarver of Smithville and Ed McCarver of Corsicana, who is in a hospital there; a sister-in-law, Mrs Margaret Standerfer, and a nephew, Jack Standerfer, both of Denison.

Miss Standerfer was born May 5, 1914 in Denison. She attended the public schools and St. Xavier's academy, graduating from the Denison high school in 1931. She attended Austin college at Sherman one year and studied music at Washington University at St. Louis. She was a member of the Alpha Delphian Juniors and formerly a member of the Rainbow Girls.

Contributed by Shirley Hooker

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from the Sherman Democrat on November 4, 1953

Last Rites Are Set For Mrs. Standerfer

DENISON- Funeral services for Mrs. Laurel Elizabeth Standerfer, 76 of Denison who died in Sherman after an 11 month illness, will be held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in the First Christian Church.The pastor, Rev. Earl Zetsche, will officiate. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery with Bratcher-Moore in charge.

Mrs. Standerfer was born at Fairfield Sept. 21, 1877, the daughter of Mr and Mrs W. J. McCarver. She was married to Claude L. Standerfer at Sherman in 1896. A member of First Christian Church and WBA; Mrs. Standerfer had been a resident of Denison 60 years.

She is survived only by a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Marguerite Standerfer of Denison and grandson, John Allan Standerfer of Madison, Wis.

contributed by Shirley Hooker


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