Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kansas obits

1885 - Unknown Kansas Newspaper

Charlotte Purvis, daughter of Judge Wm and Eliza Purvis, was born in Moultrie County, Illinois, April 2, 1852, was married to her now bereaved husband V. R. Merritt, May 28, 1879, and died in Olathe, May 6, 1885, aged 33 years, l month and 4 days.

Born of religious parents both of whom were prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal church she was early taught the necessity of conversion and the importance of personal consecration to God's service. In January, 1868, at the age of sixteen she gave her heart to Christ, experienced the joys of pardoned sin and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in Sullivan, Moultrie County, Illinois - a membership that remained unbroken until transferred to the church triumphant. As a daughter she ever evinced the obedience of love; as a sister thoughtfulness and kindness; as a wife she was unwearied in her devotion to every interest of her husband to promote his happiness and she deemed no sacrifice too great, no duty too arduous. Her religious experience and life were neither fitful or demonstrative, but exhibited in a marked degree the traits of uniformity, steadfastness and peace. As a member of the church she was loyal to her vows - she cheerfully bore its burdens, faithfully performed its duties --took great delight in its ordinances, its means of grace and its Christian fellowship. In her enforced detention from the house of God by the heavy hand of disease, she found it harder to suffer than to do the will of God but even her grace enabled her to triumph with uncomplaining patience and fortitude, she endured the suffering of disease nor faltered when death came. Her enfeebled health since she came to Olathe limited the circle of her acquaintances to but few but with those who knew her she has left the precious memory of a Christian life and a triumphant death.
The birth date of April 2, 1852 is probably wrong. Charlotte was a twin of Elvira, born April 2, 1845.
Contributed by Pan Wilson

The Leavenworth Times
Wednesday Morning, June 5, 1901
Page 4, column 1

Mrs. Mary P. Purvis, wife of Dr. E. A. (sic) Purvis, of 806 South Broadway, died yesterday morning of consumption. She had been seriously ill but a few days. On Decoration day with a party of friends she attended a picnic and caught cold from which she never recovered. Her death was a great surprise to friends as but few knew of her serious illness until yesterday morning.

Mrs. Purvis was born in Moultrie county, Illinois, December 26, 1854, and was married to E. A. Purvis February 22, 1859. Besides her husband she leaves four daughters and two sons.
They are: Mrs. A. Colvin, Mrs. Nellie Neumister, Misses Josie and Janie and Messrs Arden
and Malden Purvis. Arden Purvis was in St. Louis and arrived from there early yesterday morning.
The remains will be sent to Seward county, Nebraska, for interment. No date has been set for the funeral.

One of the pathetic incidents of Mrs. Purvis' illness was her desire to live until her son Arden could arrive from St. Louis. All that medical skill with the assistance of loving hands could do was done
that her wish might be granted. Arden arrived at 6 o'clock yesterday morning and his mother was able to speak to him before the end came. Her desire was gratified and shortly after his arrival she began to lose her strength and died in a few hours.
Contributed by Mary Schondelmaier

The Kansas City Times
Friday, February 26, 1909

The Death of Enoch B. Purvis
Enoch B. Purvis, 76 years old, a retired veterinary surgeon, died Wednesday afternoon at his home, 1008 East Twenty-third street. He had lived here twelve years. He was born in Sullivan, Ill., and served in the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteer cavalry in the Civil war. He leaves two sons and three daughters. The funeral is to be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The burial is to be in Sullivan, Ill.

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